October 24, 2024

Teeth Whitening in Columbia: What are Your Options?

Teeth stains are quite common due to the food and drinks people consume. Coffee, tea, wine, red pasta sauce, and soda are some of the culprits that can cause your teeth to become discolored. Thankfully, there are teeth whitening treatments and products you can take advantage of. A dentist who specializes in family dental Columbia has these treatments available in their office. Therefore, you can have a brighter and whiter smile in no time. 

How Effective are Teeth Whitening Products?

You can benefit from these products if your teeth have no hardware, such as braces that can create uneven tones after you remove the braces. Your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening products. These products include the following:

  • Whitening toothpaste. While toothpaste tubes are the most affordable whitening products you can get and the easiest to use, they can usually whiten just one shade. 
  • Whitening mouthwashes. These products are also easy to use and find in stores. However, they cannot effectively get rid of tough stains. Whitening rinses are only ideal for maintenance. 
  • Whitening strips. These products are effective at-home whitening solutions. However, they have been proven to cause gum sensitivity. Also, they can easily slide off your teeth.
  • Whitening gels and trays. Professionally made and over-the-counter trays let the bleaching agent sit on your teeth for a particular period. 

Teeth whitening products you can buy in stores contain weaker whitening solutions than products you can get from your dentist. Thus, when you use these over-the-counter products, it can take a long time to get the shade you desire. 

At-Home Teeth Whitening

If you do not have the time to visit a dentist and get professional teeth whitening treatments, you can consider in-home treatments. Your dentist can offer take-home systems that provide more promising results than over-the-counter generic trays. Your dentist can give you customized trays that perfectly fit your mouth.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

If you want the most efficient and effective teeth whitening, get the procedure done at your dentist’s office. Unlike rinses and toothpaste that gradually work over weeks or months, professional teeth whitening is more effective, leading to a brighter smile in around an hour’s time. 

No matter the teeth whitening procedure you choose, it includes applying a whitening agent to your teeth’s surfaces. The majority of teeth whitening products contain peroxide, which removes stains on every tooth’s porous surface. In-office treatments are more involved than other options because they include the application of a special light-activated gel. 

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